Food & Technology Expo 2018, World Organic Expo

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Instituted in the year 2003 by NNS – the most diversified media group since 1950 – ‘Meri Dilli Awards’ are presented every year to the eminent personalities of Delhi to felicitate them for their exemplary achievements in various categories. Delhi’s most prestigious ‘Meri Dilli Awards’ will be presented in the following categories this year.

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Delhi’s most prestigious ‘Meri Dilli Awards’ are presented every year to those eminent personalities of Delhi NCR who have made outstanding contribution in the development of NCT of Delhi. The objective of ‘Meri Dilli Awards’ is to motivate to achieve higher levels of performance and to inculcate a competitive spirit.

Nominations are invited for the Meri Dilli Awards-2016. Feel free to nominate the names of prominent personalities known for their outstanding achievements in various fields. Your nominations will help us select the most eligible persons deserving the highly prestigious ‘Meri Dilli Awards’. Kindly send the nominations immediately on receipt of this brochure.

Send the nominations immediately by clicking on:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]